Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm usually pretty late...

But this is ridiculous. Everyone I know has started a blog, mostly to update family and friends on their kids' goings on, even people who probably don't have time to do it. So here I am, a late addition to the club!

I love to write and talk, so I think my problem was that I was so worried no one would read (yet another) blog by (yet another) stay at home mom/housewife. But a thought has been running through my head lately, and I don't know who said it first, but it's so true.

"You wouldn't care so much about what others thought of you if you realized how little they actually did."

So I'm doing this for me, and also for all my friends who ask me questions about how I chose to sleep train, potty train, etc. my own fabulous girls. I LOVE to tell people what to do, and now, instead of writing emails, I am just going to add it to the blog. It's a great idea, right?!

Here's the other thing, I have been asked so many times recently if I will be going "back to work" when my girls are older.


I do "work" everyday, this, my job of taking care of my children, preparing three daily meals and maintaining my home is my chosen career. I went to college, chose a major, went to as many classes as I felt were necessary and graduated by basically putting in the minimum amount of effort. I then discovered that I had no desire to actually use my degree, so basically the three and a half years I spent earning my journalism degree were wasted, right?

Not really, because I still love to write, it's just that I want to write about what I want to write about. Sometimes it's my family, other days it's cooking, sometimes it's a rant about competitive suburban moms. So feel free to check in every now and then to see what I'm in the mood for today.

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