Monday, September 12, 2011

New Day

I'm writing devotionals for my mom's group at church, probably for the next month. It has been my creative outlet and I am learning more about my faith as I write. Here's yesterday's:

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19

Today is an important day in our nation. We remember the events of September 11, 2001 and all of the destruction that has occurred as a result of those terrorist attacks. We should never forget the people who died that day nor the heroism of the victims and the survivors. Their names will be written in history books.

But that's not really what inspired this devotional. The past that I'm dwelling on today was stirred up by a picture of a wedding in Austin this weekend.

A man I have known since we were four years old (which is really weird considering I have a four year old!) got married yesterday, and his wedding was attended by several other people that I have known for most of my life. They took a picture of this group at the reception and posted it on Facebook. Ah, Facebook, the perpetual high school reunion.

Looking at this picture, I suddenly had these thoughts of, "What might have happened if..." If I had dated that one boy, even though my so called friends would have made fun of me. If I had gone to a different college. If I had stayed working with this group of people instead of moving on to a different job that summer, maybe I would have been in that picture.

It can be dangerous to dwell on the past. If this, then that, but where do we end up? If that terrorist had missed that flight, then what? If I had gone to a different college, then what?

This is an age old concept, the idea of the road not taken. The problem with the "road not taken" exercise when you are married with children is that it erases those faces. And who am I if I am not Tommy's wife and Kate and Brooke's mother?

The reality is that the hypothetical "road not taken" doesn't exist. We live at the intersection of Destiny Road and Free Will Avenue. The choices we make along the way dictate the life we live, but God's role shouldn't be ignored. He wants us to look to the future, not to the past, no matter if it is a past filled with happiness and promise or a past filled with sadness and regret.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

So God doesn't want us living this life that He has given us with one foot in the present and one in the past. He wants us living in today and seeking Him! We need to let go of the "what if" and the "I wish" so that we can truly seek God with all our heart and receive the blessings that He has shared with us.

What are you grateful for in your life today? What choices can you make today to have a positive impact on your family's future? What things in the past can you let go of so that you can start seeking God with all of your heart?

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say that that whole night I was missing you like crazy, wishing you were there. Thanks for this perspective - I love when you said that part about erasing the faces. As I adjust to this new SAHM role I easily get trapped in the sliding door of what if. But you're so right - who am I if I am not Kyle's wife and Addy's mother? Nobody I know ;)
