Thursday, June 2, 2011

Snack Attack

So the hardest thing about sending your darling child off to preschool/school is not that they don't miss you, or that they come home with new, unsavory words. It's that they are completely off the grid, going rogue, beyond arm's length away from you and your protective Mama Bear swipe. And for those of us who struggle with being in control of everything, we find this very difficult, indeed.

So there's that. Then there is the fact that they have "naptime" and if you are like me and prided yourself on sleep training starting at six weeks or whatever, prepare to have a cranky child who CANNOT sleep on a 1 inch plastic mat on the ground without room darkening shades, white noise machine or ceiling fan blasting on turbo. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. So at 2 pm, be prepared to pick up this exhausted child, then either drive at breakneck speed home and throw them in bed for a nap that lasts until dinnertime, at which point they will wake up crabby and NOT want to go back to sleep until 1o pm, or just suck it up and keep them up until 7 pm, or as I like to call it, "let's see how many times I can beat my head against the wall."

Then we have snack time. Oh, yes, the whole reason we exist. It is all about the snack. Unless you are my child, then snack time looks like this...

Teacher: "Children, our letter of the day is L and so we are having Lucky Charms!" "Children, our letter for the day is G and so we are having Goldfish!" "Children, our letter of the day is R and so we are having Rice Krispy Squares!" (do you see a pattern here?)

So then teacher hands Kate her GF animal crackers while everyone else gets (fill in the blank, letter appropriate snack.)


This summer, Kate is attending summer camp at her school, which is basically VBS all summer, which sounds awesome to me. I loved VBS, I think she'll have a blast.

So they made an announcement at the open house last night that they were changing their policy on snacks and would no longer be providing a snack, but instead the parents would need to send one for their child everyday. All the other moms are groaning, "Great, another thing to worry about in the morning." And then there's me, pumping my fist in the air (internally) and feeling extremely relieved.

Kate won't be odd girl out! Hooray! It's the little things, ya know?

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